This Plant can Cure Ulcer, Diarrhea, Asthma, Injuries and For Obesity!

These border plants in our garden are herbaceous perennial plants named Bowstring Hemp. Filipino's called this "Buntot Tigre" because of the pattern on the leaves.

Aside from that, it is also known for its sword-like leaves yet has stiff and smooth texture. Other leaves may be patterned like a marble and others are gold-edged. Its flowers are cylindrical, colored as white to yellowish. Its strong fibers can be uses for making clothes, twines and papers.

Who would’ve thought that these kind of plants are not just displays in our home but also beneficial when it comes to health issues. Check out its benefits and see if it really helps.


  • Give tone and vitality to the body.
  • Promotes the removal of mucous secretions from the bronchial tubes.
  • Can be used as a purgative.
  • Can cure Stomachache.
  • Swelling due to injuries.
  • Can cure Asthma.

The entire parts of the plant can be use as medicine, some of that are the following:

  • The decoction of the plants’ root is used as a tonic, purgative and as an expectorant.
  • For stomachache, take a handful each of the whole bone setter plant and drumstick flowers along with 1 tablespoon of copra (dried coconut).grind with a little water, extract the juice and drink it.
  • For swelling due to injuries, pound the plant and extract one cup of its juice. Add 1-2 teaspoons each of salt and tamarind and boil the mixture. While it is still warm, rub it onto the affected parts.
  • For injuries, muscular pain and sprains, grind the whole plant into a fine paste with equal quantities of fresh turmeric rhizomes. Apply a good amount on the affected parts. Bandage and leave undistributed for a few days.
  • The stem beaten into a paste is given in small quantities to control asthma.
Ash of the this Bone-setter plant can also use for treatment. Simple crush the and mixing it with a pinch of salt. Then burn it over coal on a slow fire. The ash can be use as the following:
  • For Diarrhea, add a pinch of the same ash to a little hot water and drink.
  • To control obesity, take 3 to 4 pinches of the earlier mentioned ash long with buttermilk or coconut water and control the intake of fatty foods. Vigorous exercise for at least 30 to 40 minutes resulting perspiration will help shed the unwanted fat.
  • Take 3 to 4 pinches of the same ash with 1-2 teaspoons of clarified butter or ghee for 2-3 months to treat piles, stomach ailments and ulcer.

CAUTION: The juice of the plant may irritate the skin and can cause itching. The Bonesetter’s ash, if used in excess can be poisonous. Self-medication or regular use could prove harmful. Before trying these tips, you should consult a good Ayurvetic doctor first, for safety.

“Prevention is better than cure, but then again, nothing beats the natural remedies!”

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